Alto: Although the word Alto is associated with music, it is Spanish for Tall. The Latin word Altus means high or deep.
This is the article I originally posted at in Sept. 19, 2011.
After the two 3Dconnexion reviews I wrote a while back, I decided to put the SpacePilot PRO (SPP) to another test in my latest ambitious project, the Alto Saxophone. This time, I wanted to find out how it would fare in a family with multitudes of complex shapes. So for the benefit of Revit 2012 users, here is my latest update on this amazing 3D device...and the alto saxophone!
Please note that Autodesk just recently supported 3Ddevices from 3Dconnexion with the 2012 release of their products. They will not work in the older versions of Revit.
This project took me three weekends to complete. This translates to five working days if I had to do it in a regular office environment. Before I got started, I researched everything there is to know about the alto saxophone, including its construction and the famous musicians who used it. I’ve always been intrigued by its breathtaking complex shape. And so for my birthday last month, I bought myself an alto saxophone! My intentions were to learn how to play it and create a Revit saxophone family. After several practice sessions, I took the neck attachment piece and began to model it. This part is called the Crook and it is the bent piece of metal where the mouthpiece is attached to. The crook alone is a fairly complex shape because of the Octave assembly. It took me about a couple of hours to finish the general shape. Later on, I went back to it after finding out a solution on how to model the swooping metal piece around the base. Figure 1 shows the final modeled part in Realistic visual style.
Figure 1